Tuesday, September 20, 2011

One year already!?!

I knew from the beginning of blogging that I probably wouldn’t be great at it, but since I haven’t made a single post since Grayer was 5 months old, I am disappointed in myself that I have not been more diligent! Alas, reading back over a couple of posts have given me motivation again! I desperately want to remember IT ALL and this is one of the only ways to do it!

For this first post back, I will just give some basic stats: (Warning! I think I got carried away and there are at least half a dozen paragraphs below!)

Grayer is 2 days away from TURNING ONE!!! I can’t believe how quickly this year has flown by, and I get emotional just thinking about my sweet little baby turning a year old. We had your first birthday party on Saturday, September 17th, and it was so much fun! It was an “Under the Sea” theme, and I had a blast planning for it. You had lots of friends over, and our tiny house was filled to the brim with people! You were a little scared when everyone showed up, and there were a few tears, but you did warm up to everyone and had fun playing with all the beach balls and balloons on the floor! You were a fan of all the “junk” at your party, and ate loads of goldfish and cookies :) You got a little frightened while opening gifts and eating your cake, but I think it’s just because you are going through a shy phase and don’t like all the attention on you :)

Here is who attended:

Family: Mimi, Poppa, Aunt Chrissa, Uncle Noah, Cousin Elle, Nana & Papaw, Aunt Susan, and Uncle Steve, Cousin Ashley, Josh and Cousin Colton, Granna, Papa, Aunt Krystal, Maw-Maw, Grandma Davis, Grandpa Davis
Friends: Emily Paul, Katie and Robert DiCicco, Libby, Chris, and Lilly Friday, Lisa Marie, Myles and Cameron McCormack, Jodi, Zach and Cooper Faqua

Grayer, here is what you’re up to at ONE YEAR:

You have been crawling since 8 ½ months, and started pulling up on furniture shortly after. You get around great and can pretty much get anywhere you want (including under the dining room table- one of your favorite places to throw your balls and chase after them). We are still waiting on you to take your first steps, which I am certain will be soon. You tend to be a little bit on the cautious side, and are not a daredevil when it comes to taking risks (I think this is why we haven’t seen any steps yet!), but you get around so quickly crawling that sometimes I am convinced you just think crawling is certainly faster than walking could ever be! It will be one exciting day when you decide to take that first step though!

You are ALL boy, and all of our family and friends that are used to being around Elle or have a little girl of their own think the way you go goo-goo over any balls, bats or drums is so funny! You could throw and chase balls around the house all day long and be completely content. I still haven’t figured out why we buy any other toys since those are pretty much all you want to play with. You are pretty good at swinging your bats, and your daddy thinks you are either going to be a baseball player or a drummer :)

You have just recently starting going through separation anxiety, and always want to be held. Sometimes you don’t even like to be left in a room alone. Usually I don’t mind though, because I know this phase will not last forever, and for now it means I get lots of snuggle time with you. When you are feeling timid, or hear something that scares you, you make this super funny face! You purse your lips together and form an “O” that I think surely must mean “Oh no mommy! Please save me!!!” So funny and so cute! I will remember this face forever :)
Ever since you were little you have LOVED the water, and still get so excited every night when it is bath time. Even though you splash everything and soak the bathroom, this has become a calming nightly routine of ours, and I think I look forward to bath time as much as you do. We turn on soft baby music and spend some time catching up on the day together, which I just love! You babble and splash and I can usually can get through a book or two before you try and grab it from me and throw it in the water. (Pic below 8 mos.)

You are an A-mazing eater! You are not picky in the slightest and will pretty much eat anything that is put in your mouth. For now, most meals consist of fruits such as strawberries, bananas, kiwi, blueberries, and usually some beans or corn for your veggie (you even like lima beans!!), but you’ve tried cheese, yogurt, sliced chicken, avocados, tomatoes, and french fries (I know, I know!). When you get a little fussy while we are out, or in the car, all we have to do is give you something to munch on and you are perfectly content! Your first birthday is right around the corner and soon you will be off the bottle completely (I am more than worried about how we are going to give this up though…) and will get to try a much larger variety of foods. I am hoping that you will continue to be such a good eater, because I know it will make my life easier :)

You are usually very obedient, and listen well when you are told not to do something. You do have a very sensitive side though, and will sometimes burst into tears at the very mention of the word “no” (even if we weren’t talking to you!). When you are told not to do something you stick your little lip out and your eyes immediately well up with tears… it usually just breaks my heart and I scoop you up and give you kisses, even if you have just thrown a fist full of food on the floor. You are just too cute to stay mad at!

You babble all the time, and it seems as though you are obsessed with your daddy, because you pretty much only say different variances of the word “da-da”. You can say hi and yeah, but not on demand yet :) You do say something that sounds like “maaaa maaaa”, but this pretty much only comes out when you are upset. I have a feeling that “ball” will be one of your next words. I look forward to you talking more and more!

You have started waving hi and bye-bye and can also give high-fives, which is so cute! I can’t believe how big you are getting, and how much more you are able to do now than even a couple of months ago. You are obsessed with your blankies and love to put them over your head and crawl around the house. You sometimes put your blankies on the floor and lay your head down on them for about 4 seconds, before it pops up again and you are off on another adventure!

Sweet baby boy, your daddy and I love you more than words can say! You have brought so much happiness and joy into our lives, and I can’t imagine spending a day without you! You have such a sweet personality and are such a happy baby, and we are beyond blessed to call you ours! Happy 1st Birthday Grayer Knox!

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