Justin took the first level of the CFA test at the beginning of December and after waiting six long weeks, he found out that he passed! All of his long hours of studying finally paid off! We could not be more thrilled, and he is already neck deep in studying for level 2, which he will take in June. Everyone says that level 2 is the hardest of the three tests, so we appreciate the continued prayers!
I have been back at Fujitsu for 6 weeks now, and it’s nice that we all seem to be in more of a routine than when we first started. The first day back to work, Justin left the house without the bottles of milk for Grayer and I left for work without some needed parts for my pump. Needless to say, it wasn’t a great first day back, but it has gotten much better since then! I am enjoying being in the Sales Operations department, and don’t miss being a supervisor one bit. I am glad to be responsible for my work only :) I miss Grayer a lot during the day, but he is staying up a little bit later in the evenings (usually going down about 7-7:30) so we have family time when we all get home, which has been really nice. I know that he has lots and lots of fun playing with his Granna, but I hope that he misses me a least a little bit!
Justin and I booked a long weekend trip to San Francisco, and we couldn’t be more excited to see the city! We are going at the end of May and are really looking forward to spending some time together as a couple. We are planning to spend one full day in Napa & Sonoma and are excited to visit some of the wineries. I know we are going to miss Gray Bear so, so much, but we are so very thankful for our parents who are willing to watch Grayer that weekend and were willing to rearrange their schedules during the week as well. We are also very thankful for the free hotel nights we were given, the hotel looks so nice! THANK YOU Granna, Papa, Mimi & Pops!!
Grayer had his five month check up last Friday and he did great!
Here are his stats:
Weight- 16.2 pounds (55 percentile)
Length- 26.5 inches (78 percentile)
Head- Don’t remember the inches, but he was in the 9 percentile
He had to get 3 shots and one oral medication. He had a fever again for a couple hours on Saturday morning, but then did pretty well the rest of the weekend.
Well Baby Gray, here is what you are up to at 5 months!
On 2/23, you rolled over!! I couldn’t have been more proud! You were laying on the bed with me, doing some tummy time, when you decided that you were bored, and over you went! I got so excited that I scared you a little bit J You have since rolled over several more times from tummy to back, but haven’t rolled from back to tummy yet, although I think you’re getting pretty close. This was a bit of an emotional milestone for me, as I know that it means soon you will crawling, pulling up and walking… not sure I am ready to see my itty bitty baby do so many “big boy” things!
You are such a happy baby! You love to sit in your excersaucer and chew (and DROOL!) on your toys. Your legs are getting longer now and your little feet can finally touch the ground. You used to be most content laying on your play mat in the study, but now you like being in the middle of the living room in your excersaucer or your jumoper so you can see it all! You just bounce and chatter and are always so content.
As I mentioned above, you drool A LOT! You've been drooling for several weeks now, and I am not convinced that it's from teething, since I still think you are probably a couple months away from cutting any teeth. We are constantly wiping your mouth and chin, but you don't ever seem to mind :)
We have decided to hold off on giving you rice cereal until you are six months old, just to make sure we don’t attribute to any allergies you may have. I think you are really getting ready for food though, because you are always reaching for cups and spoons when we are eating. You get really excited any time you see your “ba-ba”. You are so funny right before we feed you, you open up your mouth really wide like a little baby bird and act like you are starving! So cute!
You are taking good naps during the day that usually range from 1-2.5 hours. I am no longer rocking you to sleep, since we are working on getting you to put yourself to sleep. This has been a little sad for me because one of my most favorite things is getting you all cuddled up with your lovey and paci and watching your little eyes slowly droop to sleep. Sometimes you still let me rock you during the day when we’re not trying to go to sleep, but I have a feeling this won’t last too much longer as you get more and more active.
You are sleeping OK at night, but still need to be fed 1-2 times during the night and need your paci put back in 1-2 times as well… which means your daddy and I are usually up every couple of hours. We are looking forward to the day that you can put your own paci back in during the night, as we are pretty certain this will help with the night wakings. Dr. McClard said you should be able to do this in the next couple of weeks, so we are hopeful!
You used to be such a pooper, but since you've gotten older, you've started pooping quite a bit less. We are down from 4-6 poopy diapers a day to 1-2 every couple of days. However, they are much, much stinkier! Mommy has actually gagged a couple times now, ha!
You are really starting to giggle a lot, and are all smiles when we come in to get you in the mornings or after a nap. You are so excited to get up and play and are just so darn cute! Usually at the first stirring after your naps I rush in to get you, because I so look forward to your sweet smile and happy demeanor.
You have just started to notice the fury beast that we affectiontely call Hogan! You are really starting to watch him and love touching him and letting him lick your hands and toys when you're in the exersaucer. You love smiling and talking to him, but I think he still wonders how you snuck in to being the baby in our lives. He is really sweet with you though, and I know you two are going to be best buds as soon as you can crawl around after him.
You got to see your first snow this winter! We bundled you up a couple of times and took you out to see the flakes, which you didn't really know what to make of. We got some cute photos of you though!
You are a very happy and friendly 5 month old, and your daddy and I love you so very much! We could not ever have imagined the joy that you would bring into our lives, and we can't imagine spending a day without you. You are the light of our lives, and the truest blessing we could have ever recevied. We love you sweet baby boy, always know this!
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