Sunday, September 19, 2010

Waiting to see

I am now at the very end of my 38th week and since my last post I have had several doctor's appointments. I've been having the false braxton hicks contractions since 36 weeks, and at my 36 week appointment I was 1/2 cm dilated and my cervix had started to soften. At my 37 week appointment I was 1 cm dilated and at my 38th week appointment I was still 1 cm dilated and 25% effaced. I talked to my doctor about inducing and it is possible that will happen on Tuesday, September 21st (in my 39th week). We go in for a sonogram tomorrow and to see if I have progessed any further. We want to make sure that both me and Grayer are good candidates for an induction before we make any final decisions, but we are really ready to meet him! In the hopes that Tuesday will be the big day, I had my last day of work on Friday, Sept 18th. If Grayer doesn't make his appearance this week, I will have to find lots of things to keep me occupied so I don't drive myself crazy while we're waiting, ha! :)

I have been doing lots of walking in hopes that will kick start something, but nothing yet. I am not getting too much sleep these days since I am up every couple of hours going to the bathroom, so glad this didn't start until 35 weeks! Justin and I have both started our "nesting" phase, mine being inside the house and his being cleaning up the garage and yard. Hopefully everything will be in it's place when he makes his appearance.

Since I have had several friends who have recently had babies I have been trying to get all the nitty-gritty details of what to expect during labor and delivery. My thinking was always that the more you know, the more you feel prepared, but now that it is almost my turn, I hope I don't know too much! I am so excited to meet him, but am feeling a little anxious about all the possibilities of what will transpire. Everyone's stories are so different, so it makes me wonder how mine will turn out. I know it will all be worth it though!

Grayer- your dad and I can't wait to meet you and hear your beautiful cry for the first time. We love you!

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