Monday, November 22, 2010

From this moment...

Birth-day :)
1 week old

1 week old

2 weeks old

3 weeks old

3 weeks old
4 weeks old- first Halloween

4 weeks old- my first bath!

5 weeks old
6 weeks old :)

6 weeks old- at the Arboretum

7 weeks old- bath time!

8 weeks old
2 month birthday!

I love you sweet Grayer!

2 Months

So I haven't been the best at blogging, and I thought that surely once he arrived and I no longer had the daily challenges of work (actual get a pay check kind of work, ha!) that I would have much more free time to blog. Now I can see how truly naive I was :)
With that said, 8 weeks in, I will give it a go!

Grayer, here is what you've been up to in the last 2 months:

Daddy was at home with us for the first two and half weeks, and he was truly a blessing. Since you were what they call a "lazy eater" after having so many bottles in the holspital, daddy would wake up every two-three hours and feed you your bottle while I pumped to make your next one. Thankfully, after some good advice from a friend, you latched on using the nipple shields and the pumping didn't have to take place as often.
At two weeks you had your two week appointment with Dr. McClard and weighed in at 8 pounds 3 ounces. We were so thankful that you were growing so well.
At three weeks your little circumsion ring still had not fallen off, so I had to take you to a urologist to have them remove it. Thankfully, it was hanging on by a thread and came right off with no tears. I know sweet boy, probably not something you want to remember, but it was a milestone just the same! Just be thankful mommy didn't keep it, like I was told by the doctor a lot of mommy's do, ha!
At four weeks, your umbilical cord was STILL on and had started oozing, so mommy took you to the doctor and they put some medicine on it and a couple days later it fell off. We are still not sure why you were wanting to hang on to everything, but were so excited when you could finally take a real bath! You though were not quite as excited and still cry loudly when it's time to wash your face and hair. It was also at this appointment that we met with a lactation consultant again and moved off the nipple shields to regualr 'ol breastfeeding... thank goodness!
At five weeks you had your 1 month appointment and weighed in at a whopping 10 pounds 3 ounces, yippee! It was very reassuring to me that you were obviously getting what you needed from me. At five weeks you were still sleeping in the basinet portion of the pack n play, but were only sleeping in two hour increments and mommy wasn't getting much sleep at all. So, you were moved into your big boy bed and started sleeping quite a bit better, with several four hour stretches. I am still hoping to get you to take your naps in there, but for now you just won't have it and usually will only sleep for about 20 mins before wanting me to come get you so you can sleep in my arms on the couch. I don't really mind though, and love to cuddle with you while you dream happy baby dreams.
At six weeks you started smiling! What a wonderful thing for a mommy to experience for the first time. You also started coo'ing a little bit, but now do it much more often. I took you up to work in your cute little monkey outfit for the Halloween Chili Cookoff and everyone loved you. You did great!
At seven weeks you went on your first road trip down to Tyler to see your Nana and Papaw. You did great on the ride down, but were a bit fussy once we got there. You slept in your pack n play at the foot of the bed and slept great! You loved going on walks around the neighborhood and stayed pretty wide eyed during them. It sure made me which we had better places to walk at home. At seven weeks you also caught your first cold somewhere, poor baby! You were congested and had a poor little cough. This really put a damper on your sleeping habits and we are still trying to work through them. You had done a couple of nights of 5-6 hours, but we are now experiencing around a 3 hour stretch and then up every hour throughout the night. I sure am hoping this doesn't last long and you go back to sleeping more consistently. When I took you into the doctor to get your cold checked out you weighed 12 pounds, 5 ounces, but were fully clothed, so I am sure it wasn't quite that much. We can't believe how much you are filling out and how big you are getting so quickly!
At two months you are really starting to get a little personality. You smile a lot more now and hum and coo often. You are all boy with the loud burping, tooting and pooping! We still laugh every time you use the restroom because of the magnitude of the sound :) You love your paci and are usually contented with it. We just wish you could hang on to it a little better!
You are a sweet, sweet baby and are such a joy to be around. Your daddy and I love you so much and are so thankful to have been blessed with such a perfect baby. We could never have imagined how truly wonderful you would be. What a blessing you have been to us the last two month. We love you so, so much sweet boy!