Thursday, January 17, 2013

27 Months

Grayer, here is what you are up to at 27 months.

You talk non-stop. There are almost no silent moments in our day, and most of the time we wouldn't want it any other way (except maybe at the dinner table when your dad and I are trying to catch up on the day, ha!). You say really funny things like "I want to run around naked mama!" or "that poo poo is stinky" when you're getting a diaper change... Ah potty training, yep, that's another post.

You do these funny little rituals that just melt my heart and make me so thankful I'm "da-mama" (yes, thats what you often call me). After bath every night, you want me to wrap you up in your hoodie towel, craddle you in my arms and talk to you like a baby, while you fake cry... Seriously hilarious and no idea how it started! You also request to be wrapped up in your three blankets like a mummy before bed every night. So silly!

You haven't reached the "watch me" phase yet, but you are definitely in the "come with me" phase. You are always asking for me or your dad to "come this way", but are thankfully getting into a really good habit of playing independently in your room for awhile. Still, you reaching for my hand and asking me to come with you is so sweet.

You still love to be read to, but usually only before bed. You are starting to memorize some of your favorite books like "Are you my mother?" and your opposites book and its precious to hear you reading them to yourself.

You are always talking and asking about your grandparents, Elle and recently your uncle Noah. You know where the Stavlo's street is, and if we drive by without turning down it, you ask about Elle and
Noah's house, and ask if we can go play.

Well nugget, these are just a few of the things that you are doing these days.

I love you!

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